The same valuable content from the PDF version of the Popcorn Agri-Chemical Handbook is now available in a convenient mobile app, accessible to Android users in the Google Play Store and to Apple users in the Apple App Store!
Once you've downloaded the app, you can access it using these credentials:
Password: handbook22
After logging in, you can navigate the app using the table of contents on the main screen, or click on the “hamburger menu” icon in the top right corner from anywhere in the app to access the detailed table of contents. If prompted, please accept to receive push notifications and automatic updates to the app.
Available from the main screen is the Search Handbook feature, allowing you to search in the app for any keyword, including all or part of a chemical name, common name, product name, or manufacturer name. Also included in the app are links to product labels (where available), providing additional key information for growers.
The Popcorn Agri-Chemical Handbook Mobile App is a native app, meaning that once you download and log into the app for the first time, you will not need a data connection to continue accessing the content in the app – great for use in the field where data connections might sometimes be unreliable. The only exception to this is with the links to product labels – you will need a data connection for these links to work. Once you use a link to access a product label, that label should be downloaded to your device and should be accessible to you in the future.
We hope you find the Popcorn Agri-Chemical Handbook Mobile App to be a valuable tool. Please contact us at if you have any questions about the app or its use.