Everyone will be dancing a jig after one delicious bite of these minty green candy crunch clusters.
It's hard to believe a snack food that tastes so good can actually be good for you.
Popcorn is e-corn-omical. One 3-cup serving of popcorn only costs about 15 cents when following a classic method: stovetop popping.
Air-popped popcorn has only 30 calories per cup; oil-popped popcorn has only 35 calories per cup.
Popcorn is naturally low in fat and calories and contains no cholesterol.
100-percent unprocessed with no hidden ingredients or GMOs.
Popcorn is a whole grain and provides energy-producing complex carbohydrates.
One snack food that always makes the grade is popcorn. In addition to its nutritional value, popcorn has historical, scientific and technological merit making this versatile food a perfect study-aid in any classroom setting. Popcorn is at the base of all lesson plans for students in grade levels kindergarten through high school.
The kitchen is a great place for children to learn about food and the importance of healthy eating. Bring the family together with fun recipes, activities, and games featuring delicious, versatile, healthy popcorn.
Love popcorn and fun content? Follow us on TikTok for videos, recipes and a little extra pop!